The Healing Powers of Fall Foliage
Take a minute from your busy day to admire the world’s beauty
The world can seem awfully intense and chaotic at times. Political conflicts, climate crises, and everyday health and money issues are just some of the things that can threaten to overwhelm us. But then along comes something as simple as a beautiful fall day to pull us out of our funk, even if it’s just for a minute. A perfect moment in nature, like a gorgeous sunset slipping over an orange forest, a quiet stroll along a leaf-lined city block, or a vibrant field of pink flowers can immediately do wonders for the body and soul.
With that in mind, we’ve gathered some of our favorite images of fall from around the world this year, in no particular order or preference. Maybe they’ll help refresh or inspire you, or even reset your mood altogether. If you’re out traveling the world right now, or even in your backyard, please send us some of your favorite fall images to share with the EA community!
And, as always, safe travels!








South Korea


Aaron Kenedi