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Escape Artist Insiders: Inside our October 2023 “Affordable Living” Issue

Escape Artist Insiders: Inside our October 2023 “Affordable Living” Issue

People from countries around the globe are currently finding themselves in a cost-of-living crisis. As our governments paid people to stay at home during the pandemic, the value of our currencies dropped like a stone, making everything more expensive.

So, what is one to do? As a reader of Escape Artist, you know we are all about living your best life and lowering your cost of living by moving abroad. In our October 2023 “Affordable Living” issue, we delve deeper into surprising locations you may want to consider, how we got where we are with inflation, the real costs and savings of buying property overseas, and some of the reasons people choose to become expats – affordability being one of them!

Here’s a snapshot of some of the articles you’ll find in our October 2023 “Affordable Living” issue of Escape Artist Insiders Magazine. Make sure you get your copy of this very timely issue now!

Defining the Real Cost and the Real Opportunity in Purchasing Property Overseas by Michael K. Cobb

Escape Artist Insiders: Inside our October 2023 “Affordable Living” Issue

Have you ever looked at the cost of a newly built home in Latin America and thought to yourself, “Shouldn’t this be a lot cheaper?” Our perception of things south of the border is that they should be at a massive discount compared to what you can get in the United States. And they absolutely are, as long as you are comparing apples to apples.

In this article, Mike Cobb delves into the true costs of building a home in Latin America vs. the United States, including the value of land, building materials, and labor. He also looks at more long-term, ongoing costs such as HOA fees and property taxes, where you will notice a massive discount over that condo in Florida you’ve been eyeing.

Mike finishes with some discussion of the overall cost of living and lifestyle in Latin America, reminding us that there are many more reasons, aside from the cost of home ownership, for why this part of the world is so attractive to expats. Make sure you check out this article to get a full picture of both the costs and savings you get when buying a real estate overseas!

This is Your Life by Charlotte Tweed

Escape Artist Insiders: Inside our October 2023 “Affordable Living” Issue

If you really want to get a great feel for what a day in your life could be like if you take the plunge and move to Mexico (or any of a number of Latin American destinations, for that matter!), you need to read this article.

Charlotte walks us through a day in her life, sharing with us the sights, smells, tastes, and sounds of the picturesque town in Mexico she calls home. You will feel like you are right there with her as she goes about her day. Along with sharing all the amazing details of her life in Mexico, she also shares the real costs with us, so you get a full picture of what sort of life you can live in Mexico at a much lower price than the US or Canada.

I’m not sure you can read Charlotte’s article without feeling the sun on your face and a sense of relaxation entering your body. Make sure you check out this article if Mexico is on your shortlist!

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How Inflationary Money Causes the Affordability Crisis by Alexander D. Voss

Escape Artist Insiders: Inside our October 2023 “Affordable Living” Issue

Can we even discuss affordability without bringing up the total disaster that is inflation? In this article, Alex Voss breaks down how governments can manipulate the indices used to calculate inflation in order to underestimate the true rate and make themselves look better. I’m not sure about the rest of the world, but if you are in the US or Canada, you are getting a front seat to this manipulation right now.

Alex then delves deeper into some of the problems surrounding how inflation is calculated before stating his case for why inflation should be zero, and why prices should actually decrease over time. He then ties this concept into the Free Cities movement, and explains how they tackle the cost of living by using the free market.

It’s a fascinating article and one that will not only help you to understand why the inflation rates we are seeing are likely extremely inaccurate, but also how Free Cities may be an answer to the affordability crisis. Subscribe to Escape Artist Insiders magazine for valuable insights on inflation and some of the creative solutions being proposed to deal with it.

Living in Argentina: A Golden Treasure in South America by Gabriela Repetto

Escape Artist Insiders: Inside our October 2023 “Affordable Living” Issue

Join Gabriela as she makes a case for why Argentina may be the expat destination of your dreams. Don’t let the political instability and runaway inflation fool you, this country has a ton to offer at a great price.

In this article, Gabriela gives us a feel for the different areas in Argentina we may want to visit, and what it costs for everything from a night out in a fancy steakhouse to a fabulous bottle of Argentinian wine. She also shines a light on how important the feeling of community is in Argentina, where building and maintaining friendships is considered a cornerstone of their culture. How amazing does that sound, when so many of us hardly know our neighbors anymore?

Combine all this with the fact that Argentina is a huge country, experiencing all four seasons and boasting diverse landscapes, and you can see why so many expats are heading to this gorgeous country. Perhaps, after reading this article, Argentina will be on your radar, too!

Discover the Digital Nomad Paradise: Cyprus by George Papp

Escape Artist Insiders: Inside our October 2023 “Affordable Living” Issue

When you are thinking of the most affordable places to live, you may think of countries in Latin America and southeast Asia. But Cyprus?

Join George Papp as he shows us how you can enjoy a beautiful Mediterranean climate, a higher quality of life, and potentially huge tax savings in Cyprus. With their digital nomad visa, you can stay for up to three years and, with their fast company registration procedure and low fees, it is an absolute breeze to set up your corporation in Cyprus.

With Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East close by, Cyprus is as strategically located as it is beautiful. Make sure you check out this article to see if Cyprus might be the right destination for you.

And don’t miss out on these other informative articles!

  • Ask the Expert Q&A by Paul Rosenberg
  • Why Do People Choose to Become Expats by Luigi Wewege
  • Debunking Gold’s Biggest Myths by Rich Checkan
  • Lifestyle Capitalism by Paul Rosenberg
  • How to Become a Wise Protégé by Jack Lannom
  • Unlocking Efficiency: Lessons Learned After Hiring 100+ Virtual Team Members by Richard C. Wilson
  • How to Keep from Getting Sued: Five Steps to Keep You from Losing Your Assets by Joel M. Nagel, Esquire

Don’t miss out on our October 2023 “Affordable Living” issue! Subscribe now!

Escape Artist Insiders: Inside our October 2023 “Affordable Living” Issue

This issue of Escape Artist Insiders magazine, all about Affordable Living, is a must-read for anyone seeking valuable insights and solutions for the cost-of-living crisis engulfing much of the world. If you are reading this, you are likely someone who sees what’s going on and is concerned about it, but you may not be sure what route you should take to protect yourself and your family.

This issue will help you to open your mind and think about some potential solutions to protect your family, build your Plan B, and live a happier, more affordable life.

Subscribe now to get your copy of our October 2023 “Affordable Living” issue of Escape Artist Insiders magazine today!


LisaLisa is an aspiring expat from Canada who is working to put together her Plan B with a young family in tow. She is excited to pair her lifelong love of writing with her passion for offshore strategies and outside-the box investments in her weekly articles for Escape Artist readers. Follow this “rebel with a cause” as she walks the path less traveled and shares her experiences along the way.
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