facebook Escape Artist Insiders: Inside our April 2024 Residencies & Citizenships Edition - Escape Artist

Escape Artist Insiders: Inside our April 2024 Residencies & Citizenships Edition

The importance of obtaining second residencies and citizenships in this day and age cannot be overstated. That’s why we are so excited to introduce our April 2024 Residencies & Citizenships Edition of Escape Artist Insiders magazine!

In this issue, our experts cover a wide range of topics that cover everything from the reasons people pursue second residency, to different countries you might want to check out, to personal experiences of obtaining second residencies and citizenships.

Here’s a snapshot of some of the articles you’ll find in our April 2024 Residencies & Citizenships Edition of Escape Artist Insiders magazine. Click here to subscribe and get your copy now!

Plan B Second Residency – Why Play It Straight by Michael K. Cobb

In this article, Mike Cobb shares some of the top reasons why people obtain second residencies and citizenships. He describes how while we can easily hop a plane and escape for a while, eventually our tourist visas will run out, so that is not really a permanent solution for a Plan B.

He then goes on to give some information on some straight-forward Investor Residency programs that could work perfectly for your Plan B. When “SHTF”, you want to have the ability to stay somewhere outside of your home country for as long as you need, and these programs will help you do just that.

Subscribe today to get the low down on why you may want to pursue your Plan B residency and for some great Investor Residency options!

An Overview of Popular Second Citizenship Residency Programs by Joel M. Nagel, Esquire

Joel Nagel gives some great insights in this article where he discusses some of the top residency and citizenship by investment programs in the world. Covering everywhere from Central America to Europe to the Caribbean, he gives a fantastic summary of the requirements for over 20 programs across the globe.

Make sure to read this article to get a good idea of the residency and citizenship options available for your Plan B.

Amnesty in Mexico by Charlotte S. Tweed

Mexico has long been a popular residency option for expats and, in this article, Charlotte Tweed does a great job of detailing exactly how to obtain both temporary and permanent residency in this beautiful country. The only catch? It is rapidly getting more difficult to qualify for Mexican residency from an economic solvency standpoint. But there is another, lesser-known path, the Mexico Amnesty Visa, that may be another option for you. So don’t worry, Charlotte’s got you covered!

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Subscribe today for the lowdown on obtaining residency in Mexico in 2024.

Citizenship and Residency Paradigm by Michal Ptáčník

This insightful article by Michal Ptáčník will help you to move beyond the argument that leaving your home country is somehow cowardly or disloyal. The powers that be want you to “stay, serve, fight for your homeland” – but have they earned this loyalty and sacrifice from you? Michal takes on these views through a more pragmatic lens and challenges us to instead assess a country by its unique value proposition.

This is a must-read for anyone looking to build their offshore lifestyle because it puts into words exactly some of the judgement you may be facing for challenging the established order, while giving you practical tools to evaluate which path makes the most sense for your life.

Check out the full article to gain insights and perspectives on making the decision to seek a better life away from home.

Citizenship by Investment in the Eastern Caribbean: Adjusting to Increased Scrutiny and What That Means for Investors by Jamie Alleyne

We couldn’t have a Residencies & Citizenships Edition of the magazine without touching on the latest happenings around popular Caribbean Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programs. In this article, Jamie Alleyne goes into detail about how the CBI programs work and how, thanks to increased international pressures from organizations like the EU, several significant changes have been made to the CBI programs, increasing the due diligence involved.

If you are want to get a better understanding of these world-famous CBI programs and some of the incoming changes, subscribe now to access the full article.

And don’t miss out on these other informative articles!

  • Using the World While Not Abusing It by Paul Rosenberg
  • Offshore Benefits That Come with Obtaining Dual Citizenship by Luigi Wewege
  • Universal Currency by Rich Checkan
  • Creating a High Trust People First Culture by Jack Lannom
  • Citizenship in History by Alexander D. Voss
  • Changes in Turkish Citizenship Applications and Residence Permit Applications Through Investment by Mehmet Can Alataş
  • Understanding the Hype and History Behind the Bitcoin ETF by Eryka Gemma
  • Nicaraguan Residency Tips and Tales by J. Sojourner
  • 6 Questions Expat Series

Don’t miss out on our April 2024 Residencies & Citizenships Edition! Subscribe now!

This issue of Escape Artist Insiders magazine, our Residencies & Citizenships Edition, is required reading for anyone looking to build their Plan B.

Residencies and citizenships are fundamental building blocks for a robust Plan B, and this issue of the magazine does a great job explaining why that is and some of the benefits you will gain from having them. You’ll also learn about some of the most popular programs out there and arm yourself with the right mindset to help you approach your Plan B journey from a logical place, rather than just an emotional one.


LisaLisa is an aspiring expat from Canada who is working to put together her Plan B with a young family in tow. She is excited to pair her lifelong love of writing with her passion for offshore strategies and outside-the box investments in her weekly articles for Escape Artist readers. Follow this “rebel with a cause” as she walks the path less traveled and shares her experiences along the way.
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