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Volunteering as a Retiree

Most people who have reached their retirement age are still too young and active to just sit around and watch the news. They want to interact with other people and be an active member of society. If you belong to this group of retirees why not pass on all your skills and knowledge to others by volunteering thus making new friends and improve the lives of your fellow men.

There are different possibilities to volunteer, we will give you a few examples and then it is up to you to choose the one that fits you the best.

Volunteering in your local community can help to get to know your neighbours better and help improve living conditions in your area.

If you have special skills, coaching or mentoring will be a good way to pass them on to young people who are just starting their lives and need help to succeed. While coaching is task orientated, short term and performance driven, mentoring will take up more of your time and you will be closer to the person you are mentoring.

If you want to make a difference to conserve your environment, there are different ways to do so like wildlife conservation, educational projects, international aid work, recycling and much more. You can even do something for your health by joining the green gyms organized by the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers.

If you like animals, you can volunteer and work in rescue centers. You can either work hands- on in animal shelters, walking dogs or looking after injured animals or helping in a zoo, or if you prefer not working directly with animals, help to organize events to support animal and wildlife charities.

If you want to find out what is available in your area please visit http://www.volunteering.org.uk/

which has a network of Volunteer Centres that spans the country. Volunteer Centres are local organisations that provide support and expertise within the local community, to potential volunteers, existing volunteers and organisations that involve volunteers. You can look for the nearest centre to your home by entering your postcode and you will get a list of the volunteer centres.

So whether you have special interests and areas where you would like to volunteer like Animals, art and culture, international aids, literacy, helping the blind or take part in disaster relief or just want to help wherever help is needed, there are many volunteer groups available who will be happy to welcome you and show you where help is needed.

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