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A Rolling Stone Escapes

Leaving the “good life” to farm on a Caribbean island

By Sarah Ratliff

Raised in New York city by the head writer at ABC News, I had my pick of plum jobs after studying at one of the country’s top journalism schools. The problem was that I was unable to settle on any one of them as the years started ticking past. “A rolling stone gathers no moss,” my mother would warn. In truth, I didn’t think I was suited for a news station or corporate life, but I couldn’t yet say it out loud. “We grew up in the Great Depression,” my father would chime in. “Opportunities were few and far between.” Read More

How one man defied cancer, traveled the globe, and learned to listen to his spirit guides

Interview by Aaron Kenedi

In the early 2000s Jefre Outlaw was living a single, free-wheeling, and financially rewarding life in Austin, Texas. Making a great living in tech and real estate, with all the trappings of wealth to show for it, including a 5000 square-foot mansion, a boat, and two Range Rovers (“one for me and one for the girlfriend du jour.”) But in 2004, at the age of 43, he was diagnosed with Stage 4 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, which, after chemotherapy, went into remission. Read More


Ukrainian resistance and defiance shine through war-time street art

By Liz Cookman

For most of 2023, my bedroom window looked out onto a 30-foot-tall, blue-gray mural of the heroic Ghost of Kyiv. Word of the flying ace’s exploits spread like wildfire in the days after Russia’s late February 2022 invasion. He was said to have downed six Russian aircraft as enemy forces attempted to take the capital. Read More

I Did Not Have Much Time for Fun

On a hike in rural Egypt, a teenager gains some valuable perspective

By Tiphini Axtell

One evening late last year, my husband, our three teen children and I found ourselves trudging up a mountain of sand in remote Egypt led by a local man named Fahmi. If I hadn’t been there to see it all happen, I might’ve wondered, how did we get here? Read More

The Power of a Good Soak

One woman’s watery journey of self discovery and letting go

By Ekin Balcıoğlu

When I was around seven years old, my parents took me to the thermal pools of Pamukkale, a four-hour drive inland from our coastal hometown of Izmir. I remember being vaguely excited about the trip, but unsure what to expect. I loved the sea, but this place, as they’d described it to me, sounded completely different from the enchanting azure of the Aegean. Read More

September Issue

Simple Egg Frittata Recipe for Wellness
When All Else Fails, Just Play Dumb
The Art of Slowing Down to Build Wealth
Biking Beijing
I Did Not Have Much Time for Fun
Post Summer Travel Necessities
Eating Istanbul
Trouble in Quito
One Family Discovers the Joys of Life Abroad
The Profound Impact of Travel
While you’re on Vacation, your Finances Shouldn’t Be
Editors’ Welcome
Is Travel the Real Fountain of Youth
Reasons to Move to Belize
The World Nomad Games Come to a Close in Astana
11 Reasons Not to Move to France
Are You Ready to Take a