facebook About Us - Living In Ontario, Canada

About Us

Kevin Coleman Profile PicWelcome to the Ontario Canada section of EscapeArtist.com. My name is Kevin Coleman, and I am based in Oakville, Ontario on the shore of Lake Ontario just outside the city of Toronto.

Ontario is the second largest of Canada’s ten provinces with an area of just over 1,000,000 square kilometres, and is the most populated province – home to about 13,000,000 people.

Canada is a country of immigrants. One of every five Canadians was born in another country. There are communities of immigrants from every part of the world, in Toronto it is common to hear many different languages being spoken each day.

Because Canada relies on immigration to fuel economic growth, there is a wide range of programs to help new arrivals get oriented and to settle quickly. Some programs are government sponsored such as education and health care while others are private such as the programs offered by the major banks to help new immigrants to establish bank accounts, car loans and credit cards quickly and with a minimum of red tape.

Children move into the excellent public school system quickly with language assistance and support programs to help them adapt and integrate into their new environment.

Ontario is a natural starting point for thinking about a move to Canada. With its large population, growing economy and diverse opportunities Ontario offers something for everyone from the young professional starting out to the seasoned investor looking for new opportunities to retirees looking for a peaceful and secure retirement.

Enjoy the pictures and stories on our site, and if you have questions or would like to know more about any of the topics here, please use the contact form to send me a message. It will be a pleasure for me to be able to assist you.
